Art Paper


This paper can be used in a variety of applications including:

  • Painting: oil, acrylic or watercolor
  • Printing: ink injection, serigraphy, typography and offset
  • Cover a variety of items:  journals, picture frames, boxes & more

Can also be sealed, sized, waterproofed or lacquered to increase its resistance to water for an even wider range of uses.

HUUN Paper is 100% alfa cellulose and made of  renewable plant fibers.

Our paper is dyed into 16 vibrant colors and each piece of paper has a smooth side and a textured side as a result of the use of the traditional textured bark beater. Printing or painting on the textured side can lend a new depth to your artwork.

Available sheet sizes:
21 x 31 cms (8.25 x 12 inches)
31 x 43 cms (12 x 16.9 inches)
43 x 60 cms (16.9 x 23.6 inches)

Additional sizes may be available upon request.



Minimum $500 purchase required for wholesale orders.

For smaller orders, please visit our online retailers to purchase our paper in smaller quantities!